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United Abolitionists Fall 2024 Update

United Abolitionists Fall 2024 Update

November 07, 2024 | BY TOMAS LARES

Dear Partners,


It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of one of United Abolitionists’ anchor partners, James R. Witte, who went to be with the Lord on September 25, 2024.


In honor of James’ legacy and commitment to stopping human trafficking, we have established The James Witte Stop the Demand Memorial Fund.  Your gift in his memory will reflect his passion and dedication to this cause.


While we remember James and honor his legacy, the fight against human trafficking continues.


We’ve made significant progress this past month, thanks to your unwavering support and dedication. Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished together in September:

Accomplishments, Meetings, Presentations, Trainings & Partnerships:


FAMU Training:


Our National Lead Trainer, Dr. Anthony Davis, facilitated a Stop Human Trafficking 101 training for law students at Florida A&M University.

Engage Together Collaboration


UA President was invited to join the South Florida Community Assessment project by Ashleigh Chapman and Charity Trahan, engaging with the Florida Steering Committee.

Hyatt & Hilton Partnership with McKibbon Group


We partnered with McKibbon’s Group to offer survivor lodging support and launched joint training initiatives in hospitality, tourism, and transportation industries.

Florida Ninth Judicial Circuit Diversion Program:


Eight survivors successfully completed the program, having their charges dismissed and connecting to essential services for their recovery.

Planning for the Polaris Star Awards 2025


UA met with UCF’s Center for the Study of Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery to plan the annual Polaris Star Awards, set for January 24, 2025.


Get your tickets today and nominate a well deserving Abolitionist in the fight against human trafficking.

Digital Safety Tools for Survivors


Attended a presentation on digital safety tools for survivors of human trafficking, facilitated by Sandy Skelaney of the Parasol Cooperative.

Florida Safe House Standard Rules Committee


Working with state leaders, we are finalizing certification standards for adult safe homes, set to launch by the end of 2024.

Meeting with Robin Van Denderen


Met with Robin to get updates and developments on her new non-profit, ‘Stay With Me’ which will be an outreach ministry to the “Red Light” district in Orlando.

BRIGHT Strategic Planning at USF


UA President, the Lead Advisor, discussed the next steps in mapping Florida’s anti-trafficking agencies as part of the BRIGHT network.

Hotline Meeting with Protocol Technologies


We met with Sam Rex of Protocol Technologies to review and improve the functionality of our hotline platform.

UA facilitated the Guest Speaker for the Rebecca Bender Florida Survivors support group under the leadership of Stacie Ham.

UA Training & Learning Center Consulting Mtg. with Catriona Bartato


Catriona has been in partnership with United Abolitionists as our Learning Strategist for the last 7 years.

Meeting with Osceola Magic


Dr. Anthony Davis and I met with Cody Morland to discuss potential partnership between our organizations. UA offered  HT training for his team, staff and volunteers.

University of Central Florida Center for the Study of Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery Advisory Board Mtg.


As a founding member for The Center and a key partner I was invited to begin attending the Advisory Board meetings for The Center.

University of Central Florida Center Anti-Trafficking Workshop


UA President had the honor to sit on the training panel on a workshop created for the hotel lodging industry management and front desk employees. The panel included Survivor Leader, Kim Figueroa, Sean Walker, G6 Hospitality LLC, Dr. Jessica Wickey, UCF and UA President.

Investment Mtg. with the Prometheus Capital Management, LLC


Meeting with Attorney Glenn Adams, Holland & Knight and Shane Tripp,  Prometheus Capital Management, LLC to review the setting up our UA Charitable Fund for major giving and endowments.

Meeting with Blair Pippin


Met with Blair one of UA’s long time team members and now a highly qualified volunteer in our marketing department.

Central FL Human Trafficking Task Force (Central FL HTTF)


Quarterly meetings include guest speakers, featuring current members and  sharing needs and resources pertaining to direct service providers serving victims of human trafficking.

Labor Trafficking Presentation


UA President moderated a panel on Labor Trafficking for the Central FL HTTF. The panel included Survivor Leader Joanne Fowler, SA Mike Busby: Homeland Security Investigations,  Bette Collazo: Attorney and Legal Director of Nuevo Sendero and  Vanessa McCarthy: Attorney and Managing Attorney Orlando Center for Justice.

Stop Human Trafficking Community/Rotary Training


In Partnership with District Rotary 6980 and facilitated by Governor Sonya Hightower LaBosco UA President and the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation offered a 2-Hour Stop Human Trafficking 101 training.

Men Against Human Trafficking Mtg


Meeting facilitated by Bruce Bailey, Florida’s Panhandle MoMENtum organization, Pastor Patina Ripkey’s, Pastor Kevin Mills and Sgt. Alan Wilkett to discuss the vision and plan for 2025.

City of Orlando Kids Zone Training


Dr. Jessica Wickey and UA President facilitated a 2-Hour Stop Human Trafficking 101 training for the City of Orlando community centers leadership teams.

McKibbon Partnership Mtg


Dr. Jessica Wickey and UA President met with McKibbon’s Regional Leaders, Lauren Bowles and Vanessa Faberlle who committed to a partnership with United Abolitionists and The Center. More details of partnership to come.

West Michigan Human Trafficking potential training opportunity


Conference Call with Orlando Estrada with the possibility of UA President to facilitate a training in West Michigan on Stop Human Trafficking 101.

Lake Buena Vista Rotary Presentation


UA President presented to the weekly Rotary meeting with a time for Q & A.



Upcoming Epic Civil & Criminal Case on Human Trafficking


Due to the sensitivity and scale of this case minimal information can be shared with the public at this time.

The Florida Human Trafficking Legislative Working Group


Strategic planning the anti-human trafficking legislation for the 2025 session.

Fall Impact Report

Supporting Our Fight

Help Us Stock the Orlando Airport Victims’ Office


The Orlando International Airport Human Trafficking Victims ‘Soft Office’ is progressing but we need your help. Please consider purchasing an item or two needed for the office.

Donate in Memory of James Witte


Honor James’ legacy and help continue his fight against human trafficking.

Join the Fight


Become a volunteer or partner with us as we work together to end human trafficking in our generation.

We appreciate your support and Thank You for your vital partnership to stop human trafficking in our generation!

Freedom 4ALL,

Tomas J. Lares


Founder/President, United Abolitionists, Inc.

Co-founder/Chairman, Tri-County Alliance On Human Trafficking

Co-Chairman, Lake-Sumter Human Trafficking Task Force

Founding Member, University of Central Florida Center for the Study of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Development Team, BRIGHT Project University of South Florida TIP Lab

March 2025

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